Sunday, 25 August 2019

Second update (Modules)

The seconde update for the master system game maker is here. This tool will heavily works raound modules.

You can add modules to the world. 3 for now:
-gravity to add gravity
-auto scroll to make game like Rtype where the screen move by itself
-palette roll to make palette roll effects

With the las one you can produce very intersting effects like "3d" movement like in the special stage of sonic 3 on the megadrive or like in space harrier.
You can see this effect on the video.

You can add modules to objects. 4 for now:
-Jump give the ability to jump to the object
-Movement give ability to move to the object
-Auto movement make the object move automaticly. In addition with the auto scroll module, that will make a vertical/horizontal scroller like R-type.
-Control to give the ability to control the object with the game pad

Animation is an mandatory module to select and manage sprite sheet.

More featrures

There are actualy other new features that I don't mention in the video.
You can use metatiles of 16x16px and 32x32px.
There are also clusters of 128x128px.
This is for compression purpose.
I will make an update solely on this when it the map engine will be more advanced.
You'll be able to make maps of 32000x32000px.

People are testing the tool

Some people (only 2) are testing/debugging the tool. I hope to make a video about that soon.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

First update (Slope / Top down gameplay)

The new features in action:

This is the first update for the master system game maker.
You can now put slopes like in sonic.

You can paint the collision mask for each individual tiles.
You need to select the tile:
And then just paint the collision mask:
Each tile can have all sides masks painted. Therefore collides from any directions.

Collision still work even if you put a front tile in front of a collision tile.

There's also a sprite sheet editor.

A left sideed version of the animation is automaticly generated if is needed.

And a input editor.

Right now sequence of inputs doesn't work. But will be implemented.
You can now make top down rpgs like phantasy star :)

Code generation:

The software now is generating code according to the animations and the input configuration.
You can realy make a game. Not just edit one.

Slope demo: slopeDemo.sms
RPG demo :RPG_Demo.sms